FastReport VCL是用于 Delphi、C++ Builder、RAD Studio 和 Lazarus 的报告和文档创建 VCL 库。它提供了可视化模板设计器,可以访问 30 多种格式,并可以部署到云、网站、电子邮件和打印中。
建议将属性编辑器代码放在带有 Editor 后缀的单独文件中。在我们的例子中,有必要为TfrxIBXDatabase.DatabaseName、TfrxIBXTable.IndexName、TfrxIBXTable.TableName属性编写编辑器。请参阅相应章节中有关编写属性编辑器的更多信息。以下是此类文件的示例:
unit frxIBXEditor; interface {$I} implementation uses Windows, Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Dialogs, frxIBXComponents, frxCustomDB, frxDsgnIntf, frxRes, IBDatabase, IBTable {$IFDEF Delphi6} , Variants {$ENDIF}; type TfrxDatabaseNameProperty = class(TfrxStringProperty) public function GetAttributes: TfrxPropertyAttributes; override; function Edit: Boolean; override; end; TfrxTableNameProperty = class(TfrxStringProperty) public function GetAttributes: TfrxPropertyAttributes; override; procedure GetValues; override; end; TfrxIndexNameProperty = class(TfrxStringProperty) public function GetAttributes: TfrxPropertyAttributes; override; procedure GetValues; override; end; { TfrxDatabaseNameProperty } function TfrxDatabaseNameProperty.GetAttributes: TfrxPropertyAttributes; begin { this property possesses editor } Result := [paDialog]; end; function TfrxDatabaseNameProperty.Edit: Boolean; var SaveConnected: Bool; db: TIBDatabase; begin { get link to TfrxIBXDatabase.Database } db := TfrxIBXDatabase(Component).Database; { create standard OpenDialog } with TOpenDialog.Create(nil) do begin InitialDir := GetCurrentDir; { we are interested in *.gdb files } Filter := frxResources.Get('ftDB') + ' (*.gdb)|*.gdb|' + frxResources.Get('ftAllFiles') + ' (*.*)|*.*'; Result := Execute; if Result then begin SaveConnected := db.Connected; db.Connected := False; { if dialogue is completed successfully, assign new DB name } db.DatabaseName := FileName; db.Connected := SaveConnected; end; Free; end; end; { TfrxTableNameProperty } function TfrxTableNameProperty.GetAttributes: TfrxPropertyAttributes; begin { property represents list of values } Result := [paMultiSelect, paValueList]; end; procedure TfrxTableNameProperty.GetValues; var t: TIBTable; begin inherited; { get link to TIBTable component } t := TfrxIBXTable(Component).Table; { fill list of tables available } if t.Database <> nil then t.DataBase.GetTableNames(Values, False); end; { TfrxIndexProperty } function TfrxIndexNameProperty.GetAttributes: TfrxPropertyAttributes; begin { property represents list of values } Result := [paMultiSelect, paValueList]; end; procedure TfrxIndexNameProperty.GetValues; var i: Integer; begin inherited; try { get link to TIBTable component } with TfrxIBXTable(Component).Table do if (TableName <> '') and (IndexDefs <> nil) then begin { update indexes } IndexDefs.Update; { fill list of indexes available } for i := 0 to IndexDefs.Count - 1 do if IndexDefs[i].Name <> '' then Values.Add(IndexDefs[i].Name); end; except end; end; initialization frxPropertyEditors.Register(TypeInfo(String), TfrxIBXDataBase, 'DatabaseName', TfrxDataBaseNameProperty); frxPropertyEditors.Register(TypeInfo(String), TfrxIBXTable, 'TableName', TfrxTableNameProperty); frxPropertyEditors.Register(TypeInfo(String), TfrxIBXTable, 'IndexName', TfrxIndexNameProperty); end.
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