报表生成器FastReport .NET是适用于.NET Core 3,ASP.NET,MVC和Windows窗体的全功能报告库。使用FastReport .NET,您可以创建独立于应用程序的.NET报告。
近日,FastReport .Net升级到v2020.4版,在此版本中,添加了新的条形码:ITF-14和Deutsce Post Identcode,同时优化了多种性能(点击下方按钮下载),感兴趣的朋友可点击下方按钮下载最新版。
在FastReport 2020.1中,我们添加了更改导出参数的功能。因此,您必须在WebReport.Report中预订ExportParameters事件。
WebReport.Report.ExportParameters += (sender, e) => { PDFExport export = e.Export as PDFExport; if (export != null) { export.Title = "test"; export.DefaultPage = 2; } };
public string PdfTitle { get; set; } public string PdfAuthor { get; set; } public string PdfSubject { get; set; } public string PdfKeywords { get; set; } public string PdfCreator { get; set; } public string PdfProducer { get; set; } public string PdfUserPassword { get; set; } public bool PdfPrintScaling { get; set; } public string PdfOwnerPassword { get; set; } public bool PdfAllowModify { get; set; } public bool PdfAllowCopy { get; set; } public bool PdfAllowAnnotate { get; set; } public bool PdfA { get; set; } public bool PdfShowPrintDialog { get; set; } public bool PdfImagesOriginalResolution { get; set; } public bool PdfJpegCompression { get; set; } public bool PdfAllowPrint { get; set; } public bool PdfCenterWindow { get; set; } public bool PdfHideWindowUI { get; set; } public bool PdfFitWindow { get; set; } public bool PdfEmbeddingFonts { get; set; } public bool PdfBackground { get; set; } public bool PdfInteractiveForms { get; set; } public bool PdfPrintOptimized { get; set; } public bool PdfOutline { get; set; } public bool PdfDisplayDocTitle { get; set; } public bool PdfHideToolbar { get; set; } public bool PdfHideMenubar { get; set; } public bool PdfTextInCurves { get; set; }
public bool HideWindowUI { get; set; } - hide user interface; public bool ShowPrintDialog { get; set; } – show printing dialog; public bool HideToolbar { get; set; } – hide toolbar in PDF viewer; public bool HideMenubar { get; set; } – hide menubar in PDF viewer; public GradientInterpolationPointsEnum GradientInterpolationPoints { get; set; } – gradient interpolation poinrs; public bool FitWindow { get; set; } – enable window fitting; public bool CenterWindow { get; set; } – center window; public bool PrintScaling { get; set; } – show scaling; public bool Outline { get; set; } – show contents; public MagnificationFactor DefaultZoom { get; set; } – default zoom; public int RichTextQuality { get; set; } – RichText quality; public bool Compressed { get; set; } – compress file; public bool TransparentImages { get; set; } – transparent image; public bool DisplayDocTitle { get; set; } – display document title; public int DefaultPage { get; set; } – default page number; public byte[] ColorProfile { get; set; } – color profile; public ExportType ExportMode { get; set; } – export type; public bool InteractiveForms { get; set; } – enable interactive forms; public bool IsDigitalSignEnable { get; set; } – enable digital signature; public bool SaveDigitalSignCertificatePassword { get; set; } – save digital signature certificate password; public X509Certificate2 DigitalSignCertificate { set; } – digital signature certificate; public string DigitalSignCertificatePath { get; set; } – digital signature certificate path; public string DigitalSignCertificatePassword { set; } – ; digital signature certificate password public string DigitalSignLocation { get; set; } – digital signature location; public string DigitalSignReason { get; set; } – digital signature reason; public string DigitalSignContactInfo { get; set; } – digital signature contact info; public CurvesInterpolationEnum CurvesInterpolation { get; set; } – curves interpolation; public bool AllowAnnotate { get; set; } – allow annotation; public bool AllowCopy { get; set; } – allow copying; public bool AllowModify { get; set; } – allow editing; public bool AllowPrint { get; set; } – allow print; public GradientQualityEnum GradientQuality { get; set; } – gradient quality; public PdfStandard PdfCompliance { get; set; } – PDF standard complience; public bool EmbeddingFonts { get; set; } – enable embedded fonts; public bool Background { get; set; } – enable background; public CurvesInterpolationEnum CurvesInterpolationText { get; set; } – interpolation text curves; public PdfColorSpace ColorSpace { get; set; } – color space; public bool ImagesOriginalResolution { get; set; } – use original image resolution; public bool PrintOptimized { get; set; } – print optimization; public bool JpegCompression { get; set; } – Jpeg image compression; public bool TextInCurves { get; set; } – make text in curves; public string Title { get; set; } – title; public string UserPassword { get; set; } – user password for encrypted documents; public int JpegQuality { get; set; } – Jpeg image quality; public string OwnerPassword { get; set; } – Owner’s password; public string Producer { get; set; } – Producer; public bool SvgAsPicture { get; set; } – Display Svg objects as pisctures; public string Keywords { get; set; } – Keywords; public string Subject { get; set; } – Subject of the document; public string Author { get; set; } – Author; public string Creator { get; set; } – Creator;
这没有考虑所有出口的共同属性。 让我们总结一下新的ExportParameters事件给我们带来的好处。通过将对象用于特定导出,我们只能访问该导出的属性。以前,需要从所有可能导出的属性的通用列表中进行选择,但这并不总是很方便,因为某些属性的名称并不明显,无法识别导出。您将使用Intellisense看到可用属性的完整列表,或者可以看到可用属性的完整列表。
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