下面我们可以一起实践操作一下。在这种情况下,我使用ASP. Ne Core Web Api应用程序。
namespace ParametersWeb.Models { public class Reports { // Report ID public int Id { get; set; } // Report File Name public string ReportName { get; set; } } }
Reports[] reportItems = new Reports[] { new Reports { Id = 1, ReportName = "Parameters.frx" }, new Reports { Id = 2, ReportName = "Master-Detail.frx" } };
[HttpGet("{id}")] public async System.Threading.Tasks.TaskGetAsync(int id) { string mime = "application/html"; // MIME header with default value // Find report var parameters = HttpContext.Request.QueryString.ToString().Substring(1); Reports reportItem = reportItems.FirstOrDefault((p) => p.Id == id); // we get the value of the collection by id if (reportItem != null) { string webRootPath = _hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath; // determine the path to the wwwroot folder string reportPath = (webRootPath + "/App_Data/" + reportItem.ReportName); // determine the path to the report string dataPath = (webRootPath + "/App_Data/nwind.xml");// determine the path to the database using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) // Create a stream for the report { try { using (DataSet dataSet = new DataSet()) { // Fill the source by data dataSet.ReadXml(dataPath); // Turn on web mode FastReport Config.WebMode = true; WebReport webReport = new WebReport();//create the report object webReport.Report.Load(reportPath); //upload the report webReport.Report.RegisterData(dataSet, "NorthWind"); //register the data sourcw in the report if (parameters != null) { string[] parameterList = parameters.Split(','); foreach (string item in parameterList) { string[] parameter = item.Split('='); webReport.Report.SetParameterValue(parameter[0], parameter[1]); //set the report parameter value } } // inline registration of FastReport javascript webReport.Inline = true;//allow to register scripts and styles in HTML-body intead of putting them in the header HtmlString reportHtml = await webReport.Render(); //upload the report in HTML byte[] streamArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(reportHtml.ToString()); stream.Write(streamArray, 0, streamArray.Length);//write down the report in the stream } // Get the name of the resulting report file with the necessary extension var file = String.Concat(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(reportPath), ".", "html"); return File(stream.ToArray(), mime, file); // attachment } // Handle exceptions catch { return new NoContentResult(); } finally { stream.Dispose(); } } } else return NotFound(); }
转载请注明:文章转载自:FastReport控件中文网 [https://www.fastreportcn.com/]
相关产品: FastReport.Net,