当我安装了TeeChart Pro 6 版本的时候,好像任何一个版本的FastReport 3 都不能安装,另外,我并不是使用标准版的Teechart,如果将FastReport 3 安装到Delphi Personal?几下几种方法可帮助你同时安装FastReport 和 TeeChart Pro 4.5, Pro 5.5, Pro 6和Delphi Personal版本:
方法一:已安装Delphi Personal Edition时
Open in text editor "FastReport 3\Source\frxReg.inc" file
("FastReport 3\Lib\frxReg.inc" for FastReport Basic and Standart)
Uncomment line {$DEFINE NODB}
//------------------- Delphi personal (with no DB components) -------
方法二:已安装TeeChart Pro 4.5, Pro 5.5, Pro 6 时
Open in text editor "FastReport 3\Source\frxReg.inc"
("FastReport 3\Lib\frxReg.inc" for FastReport Basic and Standart)
Comment line {$DEFINE TeeChartStd}
Uncomment line with TeeChart version dependency
({$DEFINE TeeChart45}, {$DEFINE TeeChart55}, {$DEFINE TeeChart6})
Example for TeeChart Pro 6:
//------------------- TeeChart component ----------------------------
//{$DEFINE TeeChartStd}
//------------------- TeeChart Pro 4.5 component --------------------
// If you have TeeChart 4.5, uncomment the following line:
//{$DEFINE TeeChart45}
//------------------- TeeChart Pro 5.5 component --------------------
// If you have TeeChart 5.5, uncomment the following line:
//{$DEFINE TeeChart55}
//------------------- TeeChart Pro 6 component ----------------------
// If you have TeeChart 6, uncomment the following line:
{$DEFINE TeeChart6}
FastReport专业版和FastReport企业版的安装,请参考"Compiling FastReport Pro Edition and Enterprise Edition packages" 中"install.txt"文件所描述的步骤。
FastReport基础版和FastReport标准版的安装类似于"FastReport 3\Lib"文件夹下面的安装文件。
转载请注明:文章转载自:FastReport控件中文网 [https://www.fastreportcn.com/]